vendredi 2 juillet 2010

40°c a l'ombre / 104°f in shadows

Midi a Paris, rien fait de la matinée pour cause de "trop… chaud…"
Même aller déjeuner pour l'anniv tardif de Rooni fût presque au-dessus de nos forces.
Notre compassion va aux malheureux en cuisine, quand en salle nous etions près de fondre.

High noon in Paris. 
We eventually crawled out to have that belated B-day lunch for Rooni's, 
and barely made it through the one-block walk to my favorite, 
most special right bank restaurant.
Our deepest sympathies go to the kitchen staff, 
who suffered even more extreme baking temperatures to fix our (as always) brilliant meal, 
while we were all hovering close to our melting point.

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