samedi 23 avril 2011


Impossible de rendre en mots cette spécialité du cru, mais pour vous donner une vague idee: environ 750g de jambon, fromage fondu, bechamel, le tout roulé serré dans une crêpe, nappe de mayo/sauce tartare.
Ou l'on comprend pourquoi les Serbes nous font passer pour des nains: ceux qui ne sont pas construits pour resister a ce genre de traitement meurent probablement d'accident cardio-vasculaire avant d'attendre l'age de se reproduire.

Photo de groupe avant le premier service, quand on ne savait pas encore a quoi s'attendre.
Suivi d'Elvis soupirant auprès de Luna, la fille de Vlajko (on vous rassure, il a eu un bisou a la fin).

The words are failing me to describe that first diner with the 4S gang, but I'll give it a shot because the N°5 'pancake' deserves it.
Imagine, if you will, one and half a pound of ham, melted cheese, bechamel, rolled tight into a french style crêpe, resting on a bed of mayo and generously spread with the local equivalent of a tartare sauce. And that would be the first course.
Makes much easier to understand why Serbs make us frogs look like midgets, really: one must assume those who aren't built to take that kind of delicacy on a regular basis will perish before they reach breeding age.

Above: a group shot right before the first course, when we were still blissfully ignorant of what was to come ; followed by a good one of Elvis pining for Vlajko's elder daughter, Luna.
Don't worry, he managed to score a kiss before the evening was over.

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